Note that for security purposes, the command to create the output file for
the encrypted file deletes the input file.
For eachnode inthe cluster, createthe outputfile for theencrypted filefrom
the root broker system using the following command.
RootBroker> # vssat createpkg \
--in /path/to/blob/input/file.txt \
--out /path/to/encrypted/blob/file.txt \
--host_ctx AB-hostname
For example:
venus> # vssat createpkg --in /tmp/galaxy.blob.in \
--out /tmp/galaxy.blob.out --host_ctx galaxy
Note that this command creates an encrypted file even if you provide wrong
password for "password=" entry. But such an encrypted file with wrong
password fails to install on authentication broker node.
After you complete creating the output files for the encrypted file, you must
copy these files to the installer node.
Preparing the installation system for the security infrastructure
The VCS administrator must gather the required information and prepare the
installation system to configure a cluster in secure mode.
To prepare the installation system for the security infrastructure
Depending on the configuration mode you decided to use, do one of the
Do the following:
■ Gather the root broker system name from the AT
■ During VCS configuration, choose the configuration option
1 when the installvcs program prompts.
Automatic mode
Do the following:
■ Copytheencryptedfiles(BLOBfiles)tothesystem fromwhere
you plan to install VCS.
Notethepathofthese filesthatyoucopiedtotheinstallation
■ During VCS configuration, choose the configuration option
2 when the installvcs program prompts.
37Preparing to install VCS
Preparing to configure the clusters in secure mode