To verify the status of the nodes and the service groups
Make a backup copy of the current configuration file, main.cf.
# cp -p /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/main.cf\
Check the status of the systems and the service groups.
# hastatus -summary
-- System State Frozen
A galaxy RUNNING 0
A nebula RUNNING 0
A saturn RUNNING 0
-- Group System Probed AutoDisabled State
B grp1 galaxy Y N ONLINE
B grp1 nebula Y N OFFLINE
B grp2 galaxy Y N ONLINE
B grp3 nebula Y N OFFLINE
B grp3 saturn Y N ONLINE
B grp4 saturn Y N ONLINE
The example output from the hastatus command shows that nodes galaxy,
nebula, and saturn are the nodes in the cluster. Also, service group grp3 is
configuredto runonnode nebulaand nodesaturn,the departingnode. Service
group grp4 runs only on node saturn. Service groups grp1 and grp2 do not
run on node saturn.
Deleting the departing node from VCS configuration
Beforeyou removea nodefrom thecluster youneed toidentify theservice groups
that run on the node.
You then need to perform the following actions:
■ Remove the service groups that other service groups depend on, or
■ Switch the service groups to another node that other service groups depend
133Adding and removing cluster nodes
Removing a node from a cluster