Europa User Guide
Europa User GuideEuropa User Guide
Europa User Guide
Terminology and symbols
Terminology and symbols Terminology and symbols
Terminology and symbols
Page 7
1. Introduction
Congratulations on your purchase of Synthcom System’s Europa upgrade for your Roland Jupiter 6!
Europa is an operating system replacement for a fantastic sounding classic analog synthesizer, giving it
new flexibility while increasing the operational and storage reliability of the original board.
The goal of Europa is to increase the Jupiter 6’s feature set, maintain an affordable price, keep the
upgrade process simple, and increase the Jupiter 6’s reliability.
It is assumed the reader is familiar with the basic operation of the Jupiter 6. It is not the goal of this
document to replace the Roland user manual, rather supplement it with Europa’s new features. The
terminology used in this document is that of Roland’s Jupiter 6 manual – without the odd phrasing and
strange descriptions.
Familiarity with Apple Macintosh (MacOS based) and/or Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT
4.x/ME/XP/2000 based IBM compatible personal computers is also assumed for the purpose of the
firmware update utility. Europa itself is compatible with any MIDI capable device, but firmware updates
do require the use of a personal computer.
Shall we get started?
What’s on disc
What’s on discWhat’s on disc
What’s on disc
Europa should have come with a CD-ROM that contains this manual, the Europa Firmware Update
Utility, source code to the Europa Firmware Update utility, and Adobe Acrobat. If one was not provided
in the received package, please contact Synthcom Systems for prompt shipment of one.
The Europa CD-ROM can be read on a Windows PC or a Macintosh. The folder layout is identical for
both parts of the disc. While the folder tree below is shown as it appears under Windows Explorer, the
layout is identical on the Macintosh. The disc does not automatically execute when it is inserted, so it is
assumed the user know how to navigate a folder tree on their computer:
All Europa documentation is in Adobe Acrobat format, and to
read it, Adobe Acrobat Reader must already be installed or
installed from the CD-ROM. Adobe Acrobat Reader is provided
on the Europa CD-ROM in the Adobe Acrobat Reader folder as
shown in the tree. Both Windows and Macintosh versions are
Europa’s installation instructions and user guide are contained in
the Documentation folder.
Europa’s Firmware Update Utility (EFUU) executable is contained
in the Europa Firmware Update/Executables folder. Choose the
appropriate update utility version under the Windows and
Macintosh folders.
Europa’s reference (release) image is contained in the Europa
Images folder. It is only needed in case of a corrupt Europa image.
The latest image can always be found on Synthcom’s web site.