Example 2
The following command assigns the Ethernet Network Monitor Card attached to
subslot 5 in a Distributed Management Module for Ethernet in hub slot 4 to
Ethernet network 1:
CB5000> set module 4.5 network ethernet_1
Module 04.05 network id set to ETHERNET_1.
Limitations on NMC
Network Assignments
Network Monitor Card network assignments have the following limitations:
You cannot assign two NMCs to the same network (for example, Ethernet_1)
if both interfaces are enabled.
You cannot assign two NMCs with the same IP address, regardless of
network assignment.
The following scenarios describe these limitations in greater detail:
If you have an active NMC on Ethernet_1 and you try to set another NMC to
Ethernet_1, or try to enable a disabled NMC on that network, the following
message is displayed:
If you have an NMC on a network with an active (non-loopback) IP address, and
you try to set another NMC to a different network with the
same IP address
try to enable a disabled one on that network), the following message is
If you try to set an IP address for a network that has an enabled NMC on it,
and there is already an enabled NMC with that IP address, the following
message is displayed:
You cannot assign a TR-NMC attached to a CoreBuilder 5000 module-switched
Token Ring module to a network. A TR-NMC on this module is automatically
assigned to the same network as the host module.
Related Command
Interface module x.y already enabled for this network
Multiple Enabled Interface cards cannot be on the same network
Command aborted.
Interface module x.y already enabled for ip address 151.xxx.x.xxx
Multiple Enabled Interface cards cannot share one ip address
Command aborted.
Interface module x.y already enabled for ip address 151.xxx.x.xxx
Multiple Enabled Interface cards cannot share one ip address
Command aborted.