Use the SHOW RING_MAP command to display a ring topology of the Token Ring
and FDDI networks currently configured in the hub.
Example 1 (FDDI)
The following command shows an FDDI ring map:
CB5000> show ring_map fddi
Slot Status Upstream_Slot Downstream_Slot
12 OKAY 16 14
14 OKAY 12 16
FDDI Description
For FDDI modules, this command displays the physical ring topology of the FDDI
networks in the hub. The map displays the modules that comprise each network,
and their respective upstream and downstream slots. The map also displays
module status.
fddi — Displays a ring map of FDDI stations in the hub.
token_ring – Displays a map of Token Ring stations, using the format
you select (option).
(Token Ring)
logical — Lists the MAC address and slot and port identification for
each Token Ring port. If a MAC-less device is the only station on the
ring, the map reports NO ENTRIES.
mac_address mac address
When you supply a MAC address, this
option returns the slot and port associated with that address.
physical — This option applies to ONline™ System Concentrator
modules in a CoreBuilder
5000 hub.
port slot.port
When you supply a slot and port, this option returns
the MAC address associated with that port.
show ring_map
Field Description
Slot Slot numbers of the modules that compose each FDDI network.
Status OKAY — condition normal.
PARTIAL FAIL — partial hardware failure.
Downstream_Slot Hub slot number for the adjoining module on the ring. Identifies the
module the specified FDDI module will pass the token to.
Upstream_Slot Identifies the hub slot number for the adjoining module on the ring. This
field identifies the module passing the token to the specified FDDI module.