Example 4
The following command sums up the number of collisions that occurred on all
repeaters trying to transmit across the backplane segment fast_ethernet_1.
CB5000> show counter repeater fast_ethernet_1 module 3
Repeater Statistics for Module 3 on FAST_ETHER_1
Readable Frames 0
Readable Octets 2554052041
Upper 32 Readable Octets0
Runts 502857
FCS Errors 0
Late Events 0
Short Events 0
Frame Too Longs 0
Very Long Events 0
Alignment Errors 0
Collisions 0
Data Rate Mismatches 0
Auto Partition Count 0
Isolates 0
Symbol Errors 0
Last Source Address 00-00-0c-01-a2-25
Each error type is followed by the number of packets received containing that
Field Description
Readable Frames Readable (uncorrupted) frames received at repeater.
Readable Octets Readable (uncorrupted) octets received at repeater (the lower 32
bits are contained in the rptrMonitorPortReadableOctets object).
Upper 32 Readable
Upper readable (uncorrupted) octets (2**32) received at
repeater. It contains the upper 32 bits of a 64-bit octets counter.
Runts Packets less than 64 bytes.
FCS Errors Frame Check Sequence errors.
Late Events Collision detected after 512 bits were received from a port.
Short Events Packets less than 80 bit times received.
Frame Too Longs Frames in excess of 1518 bytes received.
Very Long Events Port entered a jabber lockup state due to a timeout.
Alignment Errors Number of CRC errors that do not end on a byte boundary.
Collisions Total number of collisions detected.
Data Rate Mismatches Number of FIFO overflow and underflow occurrences.
Autopartition Count Number of times autopartition threshold has been passed.
Isolates The number of automatic repeater port isolates as a
consequence of false carrier events.
Symbol Errors The number of packets containing symbol errors.
Last Source Address The source address of the last packet received by this port.