The following command includes token error data in the auto-intensive REM
forward soft error MAC frame trap from the TR-NMC in slot 11.2:
CB5000> set tr_surrogate 11.2 rem_status auto_token_error_data
REM status - REM admin set to ENABLED.
Related Command
ring_frequency_error_data Determines if REM includes frequency error data in the
ring-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
ring_token_error_data Determines if REM includes token error data in the
ring-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
auto_line_error_data Determines if REM includes line error data in the
auto-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
auto_internal_error_data Determines if REM includes internal error data in the
auto-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
auto_burst_error_data Determines if REM includes burst error data in the
auto-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
auto_ac_error_data Determines if REM includes A/C error data in the
auto-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
auto_abortxmt_error_data Determines if REM includes abort transmit error data in the
auto-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
auto_lostframes_error_data Determines if REM includes lost frames error data in the
auto-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
auto_rcvrcngst_error_data Determines if REM includes receiver congestion error data in
the auto-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
auto_framecopy_error_data Determines if REM includes frame copied error data in the
auto-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
auto_frequency_error_data Determines if REM includes frequency error data in the
auto-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
auto_token_error_data Determines if REM includes token error data in the
auto-intensive REM Forward Soft Error MAC Frame trap.
crs_traps Determines if the CRS function is configured to report Ring
Topology Change traps.
reset Resets all REM options.
Option Description