Example 2
The following commands display module and port repeater statistics,
respectively, for module 3. (This command displays the number of collisions that
occurred when the module tried to access the backplane segment. Ethernet_2
displays the number of times the COLLISON EVENT Signal went active.)
CB5000> show counter repeater ethernet_2 module 3
Repeater Statistics for Module 3 on ETHERNET_2
Readable Frames 142257566
Readable Octets 2554907443
Runts 502857
FCS Errors 0
Late Events 0
Short Events 0
Frame Too Longs 0
Very Long Events 0
Alignment Errors 0
Collisions 0
Data Rate Mismatches 0
Auto Partition Count 0
Example 3
The following command displays the number of collisions that occurred when
the port tried to access the backplane segment. Ethernet_2 displays the number
of times the COLLISON EVENT Signal went active.
CB5000> show counter repeater ethernet_2 port 3.1
Repeater Statistics for Port 3.1 on ETHERNET_2
Readable Frames 142251726
Readable Octets 2554052041
Runts 502857
FCS Errors 0
Late Events 0
Short Events 0
Frame Too Longs 0
Very Long Events 0
Alignment Errors 0
Collisions 0
Data Rate Mismatches 0
Auto Partition Count 0
Last Source Address 00-00-0c-01-a2-25