
420 Index
Call Log 80
Dial Pad 79, 80
document files 265
document templates 265
File Explorer 295
files 229, 295
Internet Explorer 69, 172
meeting requests 153
Mobile Device Center 49
PDF files 288
Quick Tour 15
shortcut menus 61
spreadsheet templates 275
sync software 48, 49
text messages 159, 160
Today screen 72, 76
Web links 287
Windows Mobile Device Center 380
operating system (device) 348, 379, 396
operating systems (PCs) 46
Operator Services (Sprint) 17
optimizing power settings 338
Option key 25, 57, 65
Option Lock 65
options 61, 62, 247
Options screen
ActiveSync 314
Calendar 248
Input Settings 327
Internet Explorer 177
Messaging 163
Notes 256
Pictures & Videos 222
Tasks application 252
Windows Media 233
organizer features 31, 34
orientation (slides) 271
Orientation tab 271
OTA (Tasks Over the Air) feature 250
Outbox 161
outgoing mail options 134–135
accessing folders for 363
copying addresses to 363
deleting email accounts for 135
downloading attachments and 140
downloading trial version of 23
entering appointments and 243, 247
entering contacts in 238
installing 43
retrieving messages and 125, 138
ing up client
software for 370
synchronizing with 43, 143, 308
troubleshooting 348
overdue tasks 251
owner information 332, 333, 394
Owner Information screen 333
Palm online support 15
Palm OS devices 348
paragraph formatting 267
partial envelope icon 139
partially charged battery icon 31
partnerships 198, 379
pass codes 39