
430 Index
system warnings 321
tabs, selecting 57
Take Picture command 286
taking pictures 212–214, 286, 371
tapping 27, 56, 59, 321, 326, 355
Task Manager 25
adding 250
deleting 252
displaying 251, 252
marking as completed 251
organizing 251
prioritizing 250
setting reminders for 250, 252
Tasks application 250–252
Tasks entry bar 251, 252
Tasks icon 250
Tasks list 251
Tasks Over the Air (OTA) feature 250
technical support 348, 374
notes and 254, 256
spreadsheets 272, 275, 284
Word documents 263, 265, 270
tentative appointments 244
aligning 268, 272
copying and pasting 176, 266
correcting 137, 268, 327
deleting 59
entering 64–66, 326, 327
finding and replacing 266, 327
formatting 267, 285
highlighting 59, 267
indenting 268
resizing 172, 322, 328
searching for 143, 164, 294
word-processing features for 263, 264
text buttons 92
text fields 57
text files 336
text messages
adding signatures to 163
addressing 157
creating 157
deleting 162, 163
dialing from 79
displaying 159, 160
entering contact info and 239
forwarding 160
making phone calls and 86
receiving 158,
to 160
selecting links in 161
sending 82, 158
setting messaging options for 158
setting notification options for 159
sorting 162
troubleshooting 358
viewing status of 161
text messaging options 156
text messaging services 379
text phrases 137, 157, 158
Text Size tab 322