Getting Started
VX4380 256-Crosspoint Relay Matrix Module User Manual
one to 12 relay modules including members of the SurePatht family of relay
switching modules and VX4372 and VX4374 Scanner Slave modules. In this
document, these modules will be referred to as “local bus slaves.”
The Option 01 VXI Interface Module includes the following features:
Zilog Z88C00 Microcontroller with 20 MHz clock
64 Kbyte of EPROM and 32 Kbyte of RAM
H VXI Interface:
VXI Rev 1.4 Message Based Device
Supports Fast Handshake word serial protocol data transfers
IEEE-488.2 device
Logical Address selectable with two rotary hexadecimal switches
Interrupter level selectable with a rotary hexadecimal switch. Selects one of
seven levels or disables interrupt generation
Command programmable control of one to eight VXI TTL trigger
Command programmable monitoring of one of eight VXI TTL triggers
The Local Bus Interface provides serial I/O interface for control of VX4372 and
VX4374 Scanner Slave and SurePatht relay modules, monitors the power fuses
of all local bus slave modules that it controls, and provides a serial input
interface to identify each local bus slave that it controls.
As part of the self test, SurePatht modules automatically verify the control
logic every time a relay operation is performed.
Figure 1–1 shows a functional block diagram of the VX4380. Figure 1–2 shows
a typical SurePatht configuration.