Command Descriptions
VX4380 256-Crosspoint Relay Matrix Module User Manual
This command selects a trigger source. When a trigger event is detected from an
enabled trigger source, the next relay in an initiated scan sequence is closed after
the current closed relay is opened.
The action of opening the currently closed relay and closing the next relay in a
scan list is called sequencing the scan list.
Specifying BUS in the TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce command enables a
IEEE488.1 Group Execute Trigger command to sequence the scan list.
It is assumed that the commander of the Option 01 is a IEEE488 talker/listener
and that this device converts a IEEE488.1 GET command to a VXI Trigger
Specifying HOLD in the TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce command disables all
trigger sources except the TRIGger[:SEQuence}[:IMMediate] comand.
Specifying IMMediate in the TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce command causes
the Option 01 to sequence through the scan list without waiting for a trigger
Specifying TTLTrg<n> in the TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce command enables
one of eight VXI TTL triggers to act as a trigger source. <n> is a single digit
between 0 and 7.
Command Response
Define a scan sequence consisting of relays 1 and 2 on relay
module “m1” and relays 1 through 64 on module “m2”.
count 2
Define the number of times to sequence through the scan list
before setting the state of the trigger subsystem back to the
idle state.
Sequence through the scan list without waiting for a trigger
event after an INITiate[:Immediate] command is received.
initiate:immediate Initiate the scan sequence. Sequence through the entire scan
list two times.