Command Syntax
VX4380 256-Crosspoint Relay Matrix Module User Manual
The order in which channels are specified is also important in the [ROUTe:]
SCAN <channel_list> command. This determines the order in which the relays
will be closed each time a trigger event is detected.
The order in which channels are specified in a <channel_list> is important in the
[ROUTe:]CLOSe <channel_list> command when channels in the same section of
a VX4320 or a VX4330 are specified. A VX4320 can close only one channel in a
section. If a [ROUTe:]CLOSE <channel_list> command specifies more than one
relay in a section of a VX4320, the last channel in the <channel_list> will be
For example, the command
close (@m2(1!1,2!1))
will close channel 2 of section 1 of the VX4320.
A VX4330 can close only one channel in a group of joined sections that have
been specified in a [ROUTe:]CLOSe:MODe SCAN,<module_name>,<sec-
tion_list> command. If more than one channel in such a group of sections is
specified in a [ROUTe:]CLOSe <channel_list> command, the last channel
specified will be closed. For example, the commands
route:configure:join m2,(1:6)
route:close:mode scan,m2,(1:6)
join the commons of all six sections of the VX4330 Module and set the mode of
the [ROUTe]:CLOSE <channel_list> to scan mode for all six sections of the
The command
route:close (@m2(1!1,1!6))
will then result in channel 1 of section 6 being closed and all other channels on
the module being opened.
output queue The Output queue of the Option 01 VXI Interface is used to return
replies to queries received by the interface. Bit 4 (the MAV bit) of the Status
Byte register is set to indicate that this queue is not empty. The DOR bit in the
VXI Response register is also set to indicate that this queue is not empty. The
commander of the Option 01 VXI Interface monitors the DOR bit to determine
when it may read a message from the Output queue.
<section_list>. One or more <nr1> fields separated by comma (,) or colon (:)
characters and enclosed in left and right parentheses. A <section_list> is used to
specify the sections of a relay module to be acted upon by a [ROUTe:]CONFig-