Command Syntax
VX4380 256-Crosspoint Relay Matrix Module User Manual
H VX4350 General Purpose Switching module: <NR1>
The range of this field is 1 to 64. It specifies one of 64 relays on the
H VX4380 Matrix: <NR1> ! <NR1> ! <NR1>
The range of the first <NR1> field is 1 to 4. It specifies the row of a relay in
one of the sections of the VX4380. The range of the second <NR1> field is 1
to 16. It specifies the column of a relay in one of the sections of the VX4380.
The range of the third <NR1> field is 1 to 4. It specifies a section of the
VX4380. A one dimensional <channel_spec> may also be used to specify a
channel on a VX4380 Module. The one dimensional <channel_spec> is
given by the formula:
( (section – 1 ) × 64 ) + ( ( row – 1 ) × 16 ) + column
where variables “section” and “row” and “column” are section, row, and
column numbers specified in a three-dimensional <channel_spec>.
Channel_list> A list of channel numbers on one or more relay modules.
The limits on the channel numbers in a <channel_list> depend on the model
number of the relay module(s) specified in the <channel_list>. The syntax of a
<channel_list> is shown in the following diagram:
! :
( @ (
) )<module_name>
A module_name is an ASCII string that has been associated with a relay module
in a ROUTe:MODule:DEFine command. A channel_range may consist of a
single <channel_spec> or a range of <channel_spec>s. A range of <chan-
nel_spec>s is indicated by two <channel_spec>s separated by a colon (:)
character. A <channel_spec> may have one, two or three dimensions depending
on the architecture of the relay module it applies to.