AW1600 Owner’s Manual
Mixdown and bounce operations
Raise the [STEREO] fader and the faders of
the track channel(s) you selected as the
bounce-destination to the 0 dB position.
Press the RTZ [ ] key to rewind the song.
Then hold down the REC [●] key and press
the PLAY [ ] key.
The song will begin playing back, and will be
recorded on the bounce-destination track(s).
While you record the song, raise the faders
of the bounce-source track channels to an
appropriate level. Adjust the pan, EQ, and
dynamics of each track channel as neces-
When you reach the end of the song, stop
the song and press the RTZ [ ] key to
To check the recorded result, move the cur-
sor to the SAFE button and press the
[ENTER] key to cancel the recording settings.
Access the ON/OFF page of the MONITOR
screen (→ p. 31), turn off all track channels
other than the bounce-destination, and
press the PLAY [ ] key.
The Pitch Fix function can be used to “fix” the pitch of a vocal track, or create chorus parts based
on a main vocal part. An Auto Punch-in/out function is also provided which allows a specified
segment of a vocal track to be processed and replaced. Pitch Fix can be useful in the following
• Correct the pitch of slightly flat or sharp vocals.
• Correct the pitch of a specified segment or phrase of a vocal track using the Auto Punch-in/out function.
• Create a chorus part using an external MIDI keyboard to specify the pitch of the chorus part – a third
above the main vocal, for example.
• Change the key of a vocal track.
When you want to specify a segment of a
vocal track to be processed, it is necessary
to set up the Auto Punch-in/out function.
Details on setting up the Auto Punch-in/out function
can be found in steps 1 through 7 under “Auto punch-
in/out” on page 59.
In the Quick Navigate section, repeatedly
press the [RECORD] key or hold down the
[RECORD] key and use the CURSOR [ ]/
[] keys to access the BOUNCE page of
the RECORD screen.
• If you select an unpaired track, the pan of the track channel
will be at the center position. If you select paired tracks, the
pan of adjacent odd-numbered/even-numbered track chan-
nels will be spread to left and right respectively.
• The bounce-destination faders will not affect the content that
is recorded. However, the bounce-source faders specify the
volume balance that will be recorded.
• When Auto Punch-in/out is engaged, you can monitor the
bounce source track channels during playback even when not
• If you’re not satisfied with what has been recorded, press the
[UNDO/REDO] button to undo the recording and go back to
step 7.
• If you attempt to change the screen or page without using the
SAFE button, a popup window asking “Clear Current REC
Setting?” will appear, asking you whether it is ok to clear the
current recording settings. Move the cursor to the OK button
and press the [ENTER] key.
• If desired, you can use the [UNDO/REDO] button to cancel the
bounce-recording operation (
p. 61), or switch the virtual track
of the bounce-destination and record another take (
p. 62).
Correcting a Vocal Track (Pitch Fix)
• If you will be using to an external MIDI keyboard to specify the pitch for vocal pitch correction or a chorus part, the MIDI OUT con-
nector of an appropriate MIDI keyboard must be connected to the AW1600 MIDI IN connector via a standard MIDI cable. In this
case the UTILITY MIDI 1 page IN PORT parameter must be set to MIDI. Keyboard connection can also be made via the USB port.
Bounce (ping-pong) recording procedure • Correcting a Vocal Track (Pitch Fix)