
Getting Around, Tones & Tuner
Amp+Cab• Loop (POD X3 Live & Pro)•
Gate• Mod•
Wah• Dly•
Stomp• Rev•
EQ• Vol (always on)•
Each block in the path can be selected, turned on or off (except Volume), and tweaked to
your liking. To select a block from the Home Page, use the 4-way Nav button to get to
the one you want. When a block is selected, you’ll see that it gets a frame around it:
Block selectedBlock not selected
Once you select a block, you can press the On/Off button to turn that block on and off.
The color of the block tells you whether it’s off (inactive) or on (active):
Block onBlock off
To tweak a block, select it and double-press the On/Off button. This will open up its Edit
Page, where you can use the Select knob to pick Models (where available) and the Multi-
function knobs to change the corresponding parameters as desired: