Reference: Tweaking Tones
Dynamics Stomp Boxes
Sust – varies the compression threshold.
Level – adjusts the overall level.
Sens – varies the effect’s response to your playing.
Amount – on Vetta Juice, varies the ratio of compression.
Ramp – for Swell effects, sets the time it takes for your sound to “ramp” from quiet to
Depth – for Swell effects, sets how much the volume of your attacks is reduced.
Frequency – on De-Essers, chooses the frequency that’s targeted for reduction.
Amount – on De-Essers, the amount of reduction applied to Frequency.
Filter Stomp Boxes
Sens – varies the filter’s response to your playing.
Q – adjusts the filter’s width.
Decay – sets how fast (or slow) the effect trails off.
Wave – allows you to choose from among the effect’s available waveforms.
Mix – controls the ratio of wet (effected) to dry (non-effected) sound that is heard.
-1 Oct – controls how loud you want the “one octave down” waveform.
-2 Oct – controls how loud you want the “two octaves down” waveform.
Filter – sets the corner frequency of the filter’s low-pass filter; frequencies above this
frequency are cut.
INTVL1 – chooses the first pitch interval of your original note played.
INTVL2 – chooses the second pitch interval of your original note played.