EFFECT1 (Effect 1 switch)
Select how the signal will be sent to the EFFECT1 buss.
Off: Not sent.
PreFade: The signal before the channel fader will be
PstFade: The signal after the channel fader will be sent.
Insert: Insert between the equalizer and the fader.
InsertL: Insert into the L side of a stereo effect.
InsertR: Insert into the R side of a stereo effect.
InsertS: Insert the L side and R side of a stereo effect
in series.
The processing when InsertL or InsertR is selected is the
same as if an effect were inserted with Channel Link (p.112)
turned on. Also, InsertL, InsertR, InsertS will not be dis-
played if Channel Link is on.
4. Press PARAMETER [ ].
The display will indicate ÒEFF1 InsSend=.Ó
5. Adjust the effect send level. Rotate the TIME/VALUE
6. Press PARAMETER [ ].
The display will indicate ÒEFF1 InsRtn=Ó.
7. Adjust the effect return level. Rotate the TIME/VALUE
* Steps 4Ð7 will be displayed only if the effect is being
EFFECT-2 can be inserted in the same way. In this case,
hold down [SHIFT] and press channel 8 [EFFECT-2(CH
EDIT)] in step 2.
Recording while an effect is inserted
When recording guitar or vocals, it will often be convenient
to insert an effect such as a guitar multi or a vocal multi.
This type of Òwet recordingÓ can now be done in
Here we will explain the procedure for connecting a guitar
to input 1, using a guitar multi Patch to apply stereo effects,
and recording the result to tracks 1 and 2.
1. Connect a guitar to input 1.
2. Make sure that the mixer mode is INPUT➝TRACK.If it
3. Press track 1 [CH EDIT].
4. Hold down [SHIFT] and press track 1 [Input/Buss(CH
5. Select the input which will be recorded onto track 1.
Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial. For this example, select
6. Hold down [SHIFT] and press track 7 [EFFECT-1(CH
7. Select how you wish to use the effect. Rotate the
TIME/VALUE dial. For this example, select InsertL.
8. Press PARAMETER [ ] several times until the dis-
play indicates “CH1 EQ/Eff Pre Ins=.”
9. Rotate the TIME/VALUE dial. For this example, select
< When connecting a guitar >
In order to record the guitar with the best possible sound
quality, please use an active-type guitar. Alternatively, use
a direct box (such as the BOSS DI-1) or a compact-type
effect unit.
In this case, the compact effect unit will be used to lower
the impedance. Thus, turn the power on and the effect off
if you do not need to use the effect.
Chapter 1 Trying out the expanded functions
Chapter 1
< Insert >
Insert both channels of a stereo effect (same as previous
< InsertL >
< InsertR >
Insert into one channel of a stereo channel, respectively.
This is convenient when you wish to apply a compressor
to four channels independently.
< InsertS >
Insert each channel of a stereo channel in series.