
In this chapter we will begin by listening to the demo song
that is saved on the hard disk. Then we will explain the pro-
cedure for multi-track recording, all the way to creating a
master tape. We suggest that you follow the steps and actu-
ally try out each operation.
Before you begin
When you turn the power on
When all connections have been made correctly, turn on the
power in the following procedure.
* After a hard disk has been installed, the operation that
will occur when the VS-880 is turned on for the first time
will depend on the type of internal hard disk. The expla-
nation is divided into two sections: Ò
If a hard disk con-
taining a demo song was installedÓ and Ò
If an un-ini-
tialized hard disk was installed.Ó Please read the section
that is appropriate for your situation.
If a hard disk containing a demo
song was installed
Hard disks which contain a demo song have already been
initialized, and can be used by the VS-880 just as they are.
1. Turn on the VS-880 power.
When the VS-880 starts up correctly, ÒPLYÓ will appear
in the upper left of the display.
This condition is called Òplay condition.Ó
* After power is turned on, the disk drive(s) must be prop-
erly identified, then certain required data must be loaded.
Thus, a short amount of time is needed before the unit is
ready for operation. If the display shows ÒSYS Init. Drive
= NoDrv,Ó the internal hard disk is not being detected.
Turn the power off, and make sure that the hard disk is
installed correctly.
2. Turn on the power of your audio devices, and raise the
volume of the audio devices to appropriate levels.
If an un-initialized hard disk was
New hard disks or hard disks which have been used by
some other device cannot be used by the VS-880 as they are.
Before such hard disks can be used by the VS-880, they
must be initialized. Use the following procedure to initialize
the hard disk.
* When a hard disk that has been used by another device is
initialized, all data that was stored on that disk will be
lost. Backup the data if necessary.
1. Turn on the VS-880 power.
The upper line of the display will indicate ÒSYS Init.
Drive=IDE: U.Ó
* If the display shows ÒSYS Init. Drive = NoDrv,Ó the inter-
nal hard disk is not being detected. Turn the power off,
and make sure that the hard disk is installed correctly.
2. Press [YES].
A message of ÒSYS Init. IDE: U Sure?Ó will ask for con-
3. Press [YES] once again.
The hard disk will be initialized. If you decide not to
initialize, press [NO].
* Initialization of a hard disk will take a considerable
amount of time. This is not a malfunction. Do not turn the
power off until initialization is complete.
When initialization has been completed correctly, the
VS-880 will automatically be restarted. When the VS-
880 starts up correctly, ÒPLYÓ will appear in the upper
left of the display.
This condition is called Òplay condition.Ó
4. Turn on the power of your audio devices, and raise the
volume of the audio devices to appropriate levels.
Listening to the demo song
If a hard disk containing a demo song is installed, you can
listen to the demo song. Listen to the demo song before you
* If a new hard disk, or a hard disk that formerly was used
by a different device is installed, it will not be possible to
hear the demo song.
1. Move all channel faders to the 0 dB position, and pull
down the master fader.
2. Press [PLAY] to begin playback of the song.
3. Gradually raise the master fader to adjust the volume.
The current time will be displayed in the TIME field,
and the bar display will indicate the level changes of
each track (lever meter).
4. When playback ends, press [STOP] to stop.
Listening to the variations of
the demo song
The demo song contains various Scenes (p.51). Each scene
contains settings for different V-tracks, mixer settings, and
effect settings. In a manner of speaking, these are
of the demo song. Switch scenes and compare the playback.
1. Make sure that the song is stopped.If it is playing, press
2. Press [SCENE].
The Scene indicator will light.
3. Press the LOC button for the desired scene number.
For example if you wish to recall scene 2, press
4. Press [PLAY].
The song will playback.
5. Press [STOP].
6. Repeat steps 3–5 to compare the variations of the
Chapter 3 Basic operation (as a replacement for a tape MTR)
Chapter 3