Synchronizing to a MIDI sequencer (Slave)
When you want to synchronize the VS-880 to the MIDI
sequencer, use the following procedure.
1. Use a MIDI cable to connect the VS-880 and the MIDI
sequencer as follows.
2. Make settings so that the VS-880 will synchronize to
incoming MTC messages.
Hold down [SHIFT] and press [SYSTEM]. The display
in the SYNC MODE field will change from ÒINTÓ to
ÒEXT,Ó and the VS-880 will synchronize to MTC mes-
sages from an external device.
3. Select the type of MTC.
Press [SYSTEM], select ÒSYS Sync/Tempo ?Ó, select
ÒSYS Syn: MTC Type=Ó, and select the type of MTC.
4. This completes synchronization settings on the VS-880.
Press [PLAY (DISPLAY)] to return to Play condition.
5. Make settings on your MIDI sequencer so that it will
transmit MTC. On the VS-880, press [PLAY] to prepare
for playback. Start playback on the MIDI sequencer,
and the VS-880 will begin playback in synchronization.
Source (Sync source)
This determines how the VS-880 will synchronize with
other devices.
INT: The VS-880 will be controlled by its own internal
clock. Select this setting when you are not syn-
chronizing with other devices, or when you want
external MIDI devices to be controlled by syn-
chronization signals from the VS-880.
EXT: The VS-880 will be controlled by synchronization
signals (MTC) from an external MIDI device. In
this case, the VS-880 will not operate unless it is
receiving MTC signals. Select this setting when
you want to use MTC from an external MIDI
device to control the VS-880.
Gen (Sync generator)
This selects the type of synchronization signal that will be
transmitted from the MIDI OUT connector. When using a
synchronization signal from the VS-880 to synchronize
external MIDI devices, set this to the desired type of syn-
chronization signal.
Off: Synchronization signals will not be transmit-
MTC: MIDI Time Code will be transmitted.
MIDIClk: MIDI Clock will be transmitted.
SyncTr: MIDI Clock data recorded on the sync track
will be transmitted.
ErrLevel (Error level)
When MTC from an external MIDI device is used to syn-
chronize the VS-880, this parameter sets the interval (0Ð10)
at which the MTC reception status will be checked. If MTC
is not transmitted continuously, the VS-880 will check the
MTC, and will halt synchronized operation if a problem is
found. In such cases, increase the checking interval so that
synchronized operation will continue even if there are slight
problems with MTC reception.
MTC Type
This sets the type of MTC. Check the specifications of the
MIDI devices that you are using, and select the appropriate
type of MTC on the VS-880.
30: 30 frames per second non-drop format. This is
used by audio devices such as analog tape
recorders, and for NTSC format black and white
video (used in the US and Japan, etc.).
29N: 29.97 frames per second non-drop format. This is
used for NTSC format color video (used in the
US and Japan, etc.).
29D: 29.97 frames per second drop format. This is
used for NTSC format broadcast color video
(used in the US and Japan, etc.)
25: 25 frames per second frame rate. This is used in
SECAM format / PAL format video (used in
Europe, etc.), and for audio equipment and film.
24: 24 frames per second frame rate. This is used for
film in the US.
In particular when using computer-based MIDI sequencing
software, the MTC that is transmitted may be unstable. As
far as possible, we recommend that the VS-880 be used as
the timing standard (Master).
< Non-drop format and drop format >
NTSC format VCRs use two formats; non-drop and drop.
In non-drop format, the frames are continuous. However
in drop format, two frames are skipped at the beginning
of each minute except for the minutes which fall at ten-
minute intervals.
In most video production and music production, continu-
ous frames are easier to handle, so non-drop format is
widely used. However in broadcast studios, where time
code must match actual clock time, drop format is widely