Agilent E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP 13
• Channels in <ch_list> must be input configured channels
Determining the Input
Threshold Level
To determine a channel’s input threshold level, use the command:
INPut:THReshold:LEVel? (@<channel>)
Note Because the E1538 rounds <level> to the nearest multiple of 0.375, the
returned value can be different from the value sent.
• <channel> must specify a single input-configured channel.
• INP:THR:LEV? returns a numeric value between -46 and +46. The
C-SCPI type is int32.
To query the threshold level on the second channel at SCP position 4 send:
INP:THR:LEV? (@133)
query 2nd chan on SCP pos. 4
enter statement here
returns threshold value
Set Input Logic Sense Use INPut:POLarity NORMal | INVerted,(@<ch_list>) to configure input
channel logic sense. The operation is as follows:
INP:POL NORM input voltage greater than the threshold level sends a
value of 1 (one) to the algorithm channel specifier.
INP:POL INV input voltage greater than the threshold level sends a
value of 0 (zero) to the algorithm channel specifier.
To configure channels 40 to 43 to sense low input as logic 1
INP:POL INV,(@140:143)