18 Agilent E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP
Measure Period Use [SENSe:]PERiod:MODe APERture | NPERiods,(@<ch_list>) to select
the measurement interval setting mode.
Depending on the mode selected above use
[SENSe:]PERiod:APERture <time>,(@<ch_list>) or
use [SENSe:]PERiod:NPERiods <n_periods>,(@<ch_list>) to set the
interval for measuring and averaging signal periods.
For PERiod function, the E1538 spports two distinct measurement ranges:
1. When SENS:PER:RANGE is set to 1sec, the E1538 can measure
periods from 10usec - 1sec. The value of SENS:PER:APER can range
from 10usec - 1sec.
2. When SENS:PER:RANGE is set to 4sec, the E1538 can measure
periods from 40usec - 4sec. The value of SENS:PER:APER can range
from 40usec - 4sec. See SENS:PER:RANGE command on page 61
Use [SENSe:]FUNCtion:PERiod (@<ch_list>) to configure channels to
measure signal period.
To measure the signal period at channel 45 with aperture of 01 second
Alg executes at .2 sec intervals
ch 45 to measure signal period
set period range 10µsec - 1sec
set meas and avg interval mode
SENS:PER:APER 1,(@145)
meas and avg sig periods for 1S
ALG:DEF ’ALG1’,’writecvt(I145,45);’
alg puts period in CVT
start algorithm execution
do loop
get period from CVT
read value from CVT query above
end loop
Figure 11. Input Period