VXI VT1538A DJ Equipment User Manual

38 Agilent E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP
motor phase channel group can not be split across SCPs.
The algorithm sends new position values to the first channel in a
motor-group. The algorithm reads the current position value from the
second channel in the motor-group.
Example of full step, full speed, 4 phase stepper motor operation:
preset count to 0, full step, half speed, 4 channel, min speed 64s/s,
max speed 256s/s (in half speed mode, actual speed=half specified speed)
SOUR:FUNC:STEP 0,MFSFC4,128,512,(@144:147)
channel 0 reads voltage
Algorithm reads voltage a t channel 00, multiplies it by 100 to derive the value
to send to the motor. Only when the expected motor position (previously sent to
ch44) and the actual motor position (read from ch45) agree, is a new motor
position is sent to ch44.
ALG:DEF ’ALG1’,’static float MotorDrive;MotorDrive = ( I100 * 100 ) - 512;
/*5.12V =0 MtrDrv */
If ( !(O144 - I145) ) O144 = MotorDrive;’
start algorithm
The following figures show the step waveforms for the five built-in step
Figure 26. Full Step Mode, Full and Half Speed, 2-Channel