58 Agilent E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP
the LIMit:UPPer period, then a period of 0 sec will be returned to the
E1415/19/22 algorithm.
(Note: A period value of 0 sec is used as a special token that must be
tested for in the user’s provided E1415/19/22 algorithm.)
• Typical use for this command is to allow the user to bound the period
of time that is allowed for making a period measurement, thus,
preventing the SCP from “hanging” during measurement. In this case,
typically, the upper period limit would be the same as, or longer than
the APERture time.
• An unusual (but valid) use is to set the LIMit:UPPer period to be less
than the APERture period, which can provide a means to abort a period
measurement if at any point during the measurement, the input
waveform period is longer than the configured LIMit:UPPer.
Note The upper limit set by SENS:PER:LIM:UPPer is for a single signal period,
not the sum of NPERiods. Unless at least one period of the input signal
exceeds the limit value set, then NPERiods will be measured and averaged
to return a reading. For instance if;
SENS:PER:MODE NPERiods,<ch_list>
When the input waveform period is slightly less than the upper period limit,
then the SCP will not time-out and will take
255 * (~60sec) = ~255 minutes to take a single period measurement.
Alternatively, if even one of the input waveforms has a period that exceeds
the LIMit:UPPer period, then 0 sec would be immediately returned to the
E1415/19/22 algorithm.
• *RST Condition: is “MAXimum” (i.e. 60.0sec).
• .Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe14XX_cmd(...)