VXI VT1538A DJ Equipment User Manual

Agilent E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM SCP 15
Totalize Positive or
Negative Edge State
Use [SENSe:]FUNCtion:TOTalize (@<ch_list>) to configure channels to
totalize. Totalize means to simply count state transitions (either positive
going, or negative going). Figure 9 A shows totalizing transitions between
each algorithm execution. Figure 9 B shows totalizing all transitions starting
from the time the module last received an INITiate command.
Use [SENSe:]TOTalize:RESet:MODe INIT | TRIG,(@<ch_list>) to
configure the totalize channel to either reset its count once each trigger event,
or only when the module is INITiated. Use INP:POL INV to sense negative
edges. The count capacity is 16,777,215 (24-bits, unsigned)
To totalize state changes at channel 44 starting from INITiate time
ch 44 totalize reset at INIT
ch 44 is totalize input
ALG:DEF ’ALG1’,’writecvt(I144,44);’
alg sends count to CVT
. . .
get totalize count from cvt
Figure 9. Input Totalize Count