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Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 9 - DCN Peripheral Equipment
en | 9-1
Introduction Peripheral Equipment
Chapter 9. DCN Peripheral
9.1 Introduction Peripheral Equipment
The DCN system can be connected to various external devices including a telephone coupler.
9.1.1 Telos Digital Telephone Interface
The ‘TELOS’ digital telephone interface allows participation in a DCN conference without actually
being present. The interface links the DCN system to the public telephone network. It enables a caller
- such as one providing specialist advice or information to participate from a remote location - even
The interface can be connected to the DCN system via the Central Control Unit LBB 3500/.. .
A power supply unit provides power to the interface unit as well as providing the connection to a
telephone or fax machine. For further information view the TELOS web-site at www.zephyr.com.
The telephone interface is connected to the line INPUT’ and line OUTPUT’ of the CCU. Use of the
‘MIX-MINUS mode of the CCU is recommended (see Chapter 4.9). The telephone interface can also
be used for ‘Remote interpretation’ in combination with the ‘Analog Audio Input/Output’ module
LBB 3513/00 (Refer to the Instructions-for-use for the ‘Analog Audio Input/Output’ module code No.
3922 988 92511).
FIG 9-1 TELOS Digital Telephone Interface
Front view
Rear view