
Bosch Security Systems
| 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en
Digital Congress Network
| Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 1 - Introduction to DCN
| 1-1
Contribution equipment
Chapter 1 . Introduction Digital
Congress Network
The BOSCH Digital Network System (DCN) provides flexible control facilities for all types of
conferences from small discussion groups to international, multi-lingual congresses with hundreds of
delegates. Facilities range from basic microphone management, to delegate identification and
registration, electronic voting, information distribution and display, up to extensive simultaneous
interpretations and automatic camera control. A single operator using a computer with DCN’s
application software can control even the largest of congresses. Systems can be expanded by adding
more contribution equipment and introducing PC control with DCN’s application software.
The full range of DCN equipment includes:
1. Contribution equipment
2. Central control equipment
3. Simultaneous interpretation and language distribution equipment
4. Information display equipment
5. Application software packages
6. Installation equipment
DCN equipment is also complemented by external equipment such as video and character displays,
TV cameras, personal computers, monitors, PA amplifiers, loudspeakers and printers all of which are
fully compatible and easily integrated into the DCN system.
1.1 Contribution equipment
Contribution equipment describes the units which participants use to contribute to a conference.
Depending on the type of contribution unit, delegates can access the DCN’s wide range of facilities to
listen, speak, register a request-to-speak, receive screen messages, communicate with other delegates
via an intercom and to participate in electronic voting sessions. On insertion of an ID-card dedicated
software is required giving much more facilities.
Contribution units can be used free-standing on a table-top, or flush-mounted in desks, seat backs or
armrests. Other microphone types such as lavalier and hand-held are also available, allowing
contribution from non seated participants such as a guest speaker for example.
1.2 Central Control Equipment
The Central Control Unit (CCU) forms the heart of the DCN system. The CCU can operate stand-
alone to provide automatic conference control, or it can be accessed by an operator via a personal
computer (PC) when more extensive management control is required.
All CCU’s can control up to 240 contribution units. If more capacity is required, slave CCU’s can be
connected, each of which increases the system capacity by 240 contribution units. A maximum of 16
slave CCU’s can be connected to a system. Other extension units include an Extension Power Supply
unit and an Audio Media Interface unit which extend the systems power handling capacity.
The CCU offers basic microphone management, simultaneous interpretation and electronic voting
facilities, as well as digital audio channels, data channels and communication channels. This allows
effective unsupervised control of even large or international conferences. The extended CCU offers
all the facilities of the basic CCU, but allows operator control via a personal computer (PC). The
operator can access the wide range of DCN application software packages, each with a specific
function in controlling and monitoring conferences. This includes advanced simultaneous
interpretation and microphone management, message generation and display, voting procedures,
intercom, creating a delegate data base, attendance registration, audio processing and automatic
camera control.