Bosch Security Systems
| 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en
| iii
About this Manual
This manual is a comprehensive guide to the installation and operation of the Digital Congress
Network System DCN. For portability and ease of use, this manual combines both installation details
and a comprehensive section on individual and system operational procedures.
The manual is divided into the following chapters:
• Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the DCN system, as well as introducing the user to its
System Philosophy based on the new technology recently introduced into congress systems.
• Chapter 2. to Chapter 9. Equipment Description.
Chapters 2 to 9 provide a comprehensive detailed description of all system units that combine
to make up the DCN system.
• Chapter 10. Installation Techniques
Chapter 10 provides an introduction to the fundamentals of system design as well as a detailed
description on how to install, configure and interconnect the DCN system units.
• Chapter 11. System Operation
Chapter 11 provides a comprehensive and detailed description on how to set-up and operate
DCN’s main system items and its individual units.
• Chapter 12. Environmental Conditions and Maintenance
Chapter 12 gives the environmental conditions in which the DCN system should operate.
A section on maintenance is also included describing how to clean and store the DCN system
• Chapter 13. Technical data
Chapter 13 gives both the mechanical and electrical details of the DCN system. The mechanical
section gives the dimensions of individual units. The electrical section gives the technical specifica-
tion of the DCN system.
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