Bosch Security Systems | 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 2 - Contribution Equipment
en | 2-7
LBB 3547/00 Chairman Conference Unit (Concentus)
2.5 LBB 3547/00 Chairman Conference Unit
The unit provides access to the DCN systems main functions of listening to the floor via the units
built-in loudspeaker, speaking and control of delegate microphones using a priority key, control of
voting sessions, the viewing of displayed messages, language channel selection and monitoring via
headphones and an ID card reader facility. The ID-card reader - for insertion of an ID-card - allows the
chairman to be identified by the system allowing access to the functions of the chairman unit.
The chairman unit uses a pluggable microphone LBB 3549/00 or LBB 3549/50 (not included),
microphone on/off button, built-in graphical LC-display, five soft-keys with LED indicators, and a
priority key. The priority key sets all currently active delegate microphones in the system to off
allowing the chairman to take over the control of the meeting.
Controls and indicators (FIG. 2-8)
1. XLR socket for ‘uni-directional’ condenser microphone (LBB 3549/00 or LBB 3549/50
(see FIG. 2-6)) with illuminated LED light-ring to indicate microphone active (not active in ‘Voice’
activated mode).
2. Loudspeaker. The loudspeaker is automatically muted when the microphone is on.
3. Microphone ON indication (RED)
4. ID-chip-card reader for chairman identification.
5. Numeric 1.5-digit LC-display for visual indication of the selected language channel. The display
switches on when the plug of the headphones are inserted in to the jack socket.
6. Up/down channel select keys for use in combination with the numeric display (5)
7. Microphone On/Off button
8. Microphone- ON indication (bi-colour LED green = ‘request-to-speak’, red = ‘microphone ON’)
(Permanently on in ‘Voice activated mode).
9. Priority key, which when pressed emits a chime sound (if programmed) while temporarily muting
all active delegate units. The chairman’s microphone remains active for as long as the priority but-
ton is kept pressed. This key can also be used to cancel all active delegate units and remove all del-
egates waiting to speak from the request list (if programmed in the CCU).
10. 5 x Soft-keys with confirmation indicators (yellow LEDs) are used in combination with the units
graphical LC-display to provide the following functions:
- Microphone control, such as ‘Cancel all Request’, Cancel all speakers and requests.
- Voting control (Start, Hold, Restart, Stop)
- Voting participating function (No, Abstain, Yes)
- Messages
11. Graphical 2-line x 40 character LC-display (15 Chinese characters only) with back-lighting for
displaying the following:
- Conference related information
- User information
- Individual messages
- Voting information and results
Rear, side and under views (FIG. 2-9 and FIG. 2-10)
12. 1 x 3.5 mm jack socket for headset/external microphone
13. 2 x 3.5 mm stereo jack sockets for headphones (1 at each side of the unit).
14. 2 x Rotary volume control for headphones (1 at each side of the unit)
15. Securing screw M3 for pluggable microphone (use Allen-key)
16. 6-pole socket for loop-through from other system units
17. 2 m (6.5ft.) long cable terminated with 6-pole circular connector
18. Modular jack-socket for intercom handset LBB 3555/00
19. 2x M3 guide holes for unit mounting (using custom built fixing bracket/strap)
20. Recessed micro-switch for resetting the unit’s address (DE-INIT).
21. 4 x securing screws for unit housing
FIG. 2-8 LBB 3547/00 Chairman unit
Front view
1 2
NOTE: see 2.3.1 ‘Adjustment settings CONCENTUS units’.