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Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 10 - Installation Techniques
en | 10-1
Introduction Installation Techniques
Chapter 10. Installation
10.1 Introduction Installation Techniques
The primary focus of this chapter is to provide system installation techniques, typical examples, and
system limitations for stand-alone and PC- controlled systems using the range of equipment described
in Chapter 2..
The cable attached to each DCN unit forms the trunk-line cabling (‘daisy-chain’). This cable carries all
the systems digital signals, up-down links and power supplies. Its versatility allows units to be ‘tapped-
off’ anywhere throughout an installation, meaning that systems can easily be expanded without the
need to change the system cabling. The single cable handles as many as 16 up and 16 down high
quality contribution, distribution and data channels or 15 up and 15 down plus four speech-quality
intercom channels.
Installation is simplified by the use of ready-made cables, and where needed trunk-line splitters and
Tap-off units.
REMARK: Before attempting to install a DCN system read the following Chapter 10.1.1,
‘System design fundamentals’ . This chapter introduces the reader to DCNs power handling
requirements and its control limitations.
10.1.1 System design fundamentals
The total number of system units in any installation is limited by the maximum power handling
capacity and control capacity of the CCU (as well as the current consumed by individual system
units). Because each DCN unit is a current consuming device, each unit draws a certain amount of
current, depending on its power consumption requirements. This value normally expressed in Watts
has been simplified to help make the total power handling capacity of a system easier to calculate.
To overcome the limitations of a system, dedicated units with extension facilities are available to
extend the systems power handling capabilities. Such units include an Extension Power Supply Unit
LBB 4106/00 and an Audio Media Interface Unit LBB 3508/00. Where more than 240 units are
required, the system offers a Multi Central Control Unit (Multi-CCU) configuration (See Chapter 4.4
for more information)