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Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 11 - System Set-up and Operation
en | 11-14
Operating Delegate/Chairman units (Discussion units only)
11.8 Operating Delegate/Chairman units (Discussion units only)
For unit description (see Chapter 2.2 and Chapter 2.2)
11.8.1 Microphone
• Press the microphone (6) button to switch on the microphone. If the request-to-speak is
granted (depending on the ‘Operation’ mode and the number of ‘Active Micros’ selected) the
units red LED indicator ring
(1) will illuminate and the mic. bi-colour LED (7) illuminates red. If
the microphone request has not been granted, the mic bi-colour LED
(7) will flash green, indi-
cating that the unit is in the ‘request-to-speak’ mode. Refer to microphone operational modes.
NOTE: In ‘Voice‘ mode, the LED indicator ring is always off (default*) and the red bi-colour
LED (7) always illuminates. To mute the units microphone press the microphone on/off
button. * See Chapter 2.3.1 ‘Adjustment setting discussion units’ to change default.
• Headphones: Two sockets
(4) allow a single or two sets of headphones to be connected to the
delegate unit for listening to the floor speaker. The volume control
(5) is used to adjust the
headphone listening level. Connecting headphones mutes the units loudspeaker.
11.8.2 Priority function ( LBB 3533/xx and LBB 3534/xx only)
1. Press the ‘Priority’ button (9) to overrule/mute or cancel other active microphone users. An
optional chime tone is available, when the priority function is used. (see Notes)
NOTES: (applicable to chairmans unit LBB 3533/xx and LBB 3534/xx only)
1. The priority function can be set at the CCU (S9 see Chapter 4.5) to temporarily or permanently
mute active microphones. In the temporarily mode, active microphones are muted for as long as
the priority button is pressed, once released the muted microphones become active again.
2. In the permanent mode, active microphones are permanently muted including those on the
‘request-to-speak’ list and cannot be switched on again until their users press their microphone
3. The optional chime tone can be switched on or off at the CCU (Internal setting).
11.8.3 Language channel selection (LBB 3531/.. and LBB 3534/.. only)
Use the units numeric LC display (2) in combination with its select up/down keys to select the
desired simultaneous interpretation language channel. The headphone volume control
(5) can be
used to adjust the volume listening level.
FIG 11-7 Operating Discussion delegate/chairman units
5 4
1 1
LBB 3530/xx
LBB 3531/xx
LBB 3533/xx
LBB 3534/xx
2 2
not applicable
LBB 3530/xx
not applicable
LBB 3533/xx