Bosch Security Systems | 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 2 - Contribution Equipment
en | 2-29
LBB 3525/00 Table top housing for Channel selector or Voting control panel
2.22 LBB 3525/00 Table top housing for
Channel selector or Voting control panel
The housing is intended for use in portable/table-top systems. It is designed to neatly accommodate
the Electronic Channel Selector panels LBB 3524/00 or LBB 3524/10 or Voting control panel
LBB 3541/00
FIG. 2-49 LBB 3525/00 Channel selector housing
2.23 LBB 3539/00 Blanking panels
A blank panel can be used to blank over redundant flush-mounted table-top slots which might be
used for future expansion of the system.
FIG. 2-50 LBB 3539/00 Blanking panel
2.24 LBB 3527/00 Table top housing
The table top housing LBB 3527/00 can accommodate 2 flush mounted units with dimensions (H x
W) 40 x 120 am (1.57 x 4.72 in). For example: Channel selector panel LBB 3524/xx (lower position)
and Microphone panel LBB 3537/0xx (upper panel) or any other combination of units that fits. The
unit can also accommodate one flush-mounted loudspeaker panel LBB 3538/00.
NOTE: Remove the ‘snap-off’ lugs before installing the relevant unit.
FIG. 2-51 LBB 3527/00 Flush Mounted Table-top housing
2 x ‘snap-off’ lugs