Bosch Security Systems | 04-2003 | 3922 988 43318 en
Digital Congress Network | Installation and Operating Manual | Chapter 8 - Information Displays
en | 8-1
LBB 3512/00 Data Distribution Board
Chapter 8. Information
Hall displays enable conference information to be clearly and effectively displayed to a large number
of conference participants. Numeric, alphanumeric and geographical displays are available, and mainly
used for displaying voting results and other text and conference related data. Also direct view or
front and rear projector video displays can be used e.g. TV receivers, Video projectors for long
distance viewing
In order to drive a hall displays, a data distribution board LBB 3512 must be installed in the display. The
board includes an RS232 communication port with a baud rate of 9600 or 19200 baud selectable by
an on-board dip-switch. Opto couplers isolate it from the DCN system. It can be powered from the
DCN system or an external power source.
FIG 8-1 Information display
8.1 LBB 3512/00 Data Distribution Board
The data distribution board provides the communication interface between the DCN system and
externally connected peripheral equipment - such as hall displays, remote switching panels and
tailored conference solutions. The board is intended for mounting in the relevant equipment and
includes an RS232 communication port with a baud rate of 9600 and 19200 baud - selectable by an
on-board dip switch. The board can be powered by the system itself or from an external power
Interconnection between the board and the DCN system is via a 6-pole circular connector. The board
has no system loop-through facility, therefore a Trunk-splitter LBB 4114/00 or Tap-off unit LBB 4115/
00 is used to bypass the board in a loop-through configuration.
The board can be used as either a passive unit for reception of data , or as an active unit for
transmission of data to the CCU.
FIG 8-2 LBB 3512/00 Data Distribution Board
Electrical data
• 16-bit parallel data input/output
15 inputs/16 outputs (5V CMOS input/open collector output)
• Address allocation: 248 - 255. The following addresses are defined as:
- 248 Numeric display
- 249 Alpha-numeric display 1
- 250 Alpha-numeric display 2
- 251 Status display (= e.g. synoptic display) (1500 delegate positions for individual results)
- 252 Chairman display EC version (Reserved)
- 253 Not used
- 254 Not used
- 255 Interpreter lamp panel (e.g. Speak to-fast indication)
Numeric Hall Display
Geographic Hall Display
Alphanumeric Hall Display
Data Distribution Board LBB 3512/00