SOR] right key to execute the operation. When the
copy has been completed, the display will indicate
B Press the [PLAY] key to play back, and verify that the
copy occurred as you intended.
You can press the [UNDO] key to return to the state prior to
executing. (→p.21)
Insert Track – inserting a blank space
This operation inserts silent data into the specified region
(In–Out) of recorded track data. Track data that follows
the inserted blank will be moved toward the end of the
As an example, here’s how to insert a blank into the In–
Out region of track 1.
1 Register marks at the In and Out time locations.
2 Display the “EditTrk” (track edit) page. (→Copy
Track 2 )
3 Select “InsTrack” (insert blank space).
Select “InsTrack.” Then press the [CURSOR] right key.
4 Select the “DestTrk.”
Use the dial to select the track number into which the
blank will be inserted. For this example, select “1.”
Then press the [CURSOR] right key.
5 Select “EditMode.” (→Copy Track 7 )
6 Select the “InTime” and “OutTime.”
For each of these, use the dial to select the mark num-
ber that you registered at the desired time. Then press
the [CURSOR] right key. (→Copy Track 8 , 9 )
By pressing the [CURSOR] down key, you can edit the time
location of the selected mark. You can also press the [PLAY]
key to play back the sound for approximately two seconds
from the selected time location.
7 Execute the editing operation.
When the display asks “InsOK?,” press the [CURSOR]
right key to execute the operation. When the blank has
been inserted, the display will indicate “Finish!”
8 Press the [PLAY] key to play back, and verify that the
operation occurred as you intended.
You can press the [UNDO] key to return to the state prior to
executing. (→p.21)
Erase Track – erasing a track
This operation erases the specified region (In–Out) of
recorded track data. When you erase the region, the data
in that region will change to silence.