
62 TASCAM 2488neo
7 − Recorder
In this operation the audio material after the OUT point is
moved forward to the IN point.
The source and destination are the same, and after the
operation, the material which followed the OUT point now
moved to follow the IN point. Material which was between
the IN and OUT points is deleted. The result is therefore
shorter than the original.
There is only one value that you can change:
Src. Trk Select an individual track (1 through 24), a pair
of tracks (1/2, 3/4, etc.), all of the tracks (1-24) or all the
virtual tracks (ALL).
Press YES/ENTER to perform the operation or NO/EXIT to
leave this screen.
This function “opens up” a silent gap between the IN and
OUT points on the chosen track or tracks.
The source and destination are the same, and after the
operation, the track is split at the IN point, with the mate-
rial which followed the IN point now moved to follow the
OUT point. The result is therefore longer than the original.
There is only one value that you can change:
Src. Trk Select an individual track (1 through 24), a pair
of tracks (1/2, 3/4, etc.), all of the tracks (1-24) or all the
virtual tracks (ALL).
Press YES/ENTER to perform the operation or NO/EXIT to
leave this screen.
This function takes the section of a track or tracks marked
by the IN and OUT points, and moves it to the chosen
track or tracks, inserting it as new material, starting at the
TO point.
After the operation, the selected section of the source
between the IN and OUT points is replaced by silence.
The insert operation adds the selected section as new mate-
rial to the destination. Nothing is overwritten on the des-
tination, as any material following the TO point is moved
to the end of the newly-inserted section. The destination is
therefore longer than it was before the operation.
You can change the following values:
Src. Trk This sets the source track or tracks from which
the section is taken. Choose 1 through 24 to select an indi-
vidual track. Choose 1/2, 3/4, 5/6, etc. to select a pair of
tracks. Choose 1-24 to select all tracks.
Dst. Trk This sets the destination track or tracks into
which the selected section is inserted. What you can select
here depends on what you have selected for the source
track. If you have selected a single track, you can select
tracks 1 through 24 here. If you have selected a pair of
tracks (for instance, 1/2), you can only select track pairs
here. If you have selected all tracks (1-24), then this is the
only option available to you here.
Press YES/ENTER to perform the operation or NO/EXIT to
leave this screen.