Chapter 4. IBM iSeries 270 models 95
#5294 #5294 1.8 m I/O Tower
The #5294 1.8 m I/O Tower has space for 90 disk units, has 28 PCI-X IOP/IOA slots, and has four removable media bays.
The #5294 is equivalent to two #5094 PCI-X Expansion Towers, with covers and casters removed and positioned in a 1.8
m rack. It includes two bus adapters to provide the HSL interface to the system.
The IBM marketing configurator adds two, in any combination, of the following to the order:
#6417 HSL-2/RIO-G Bus Adapter
#9876 Base Optical Bus Adapter
#9877 - Base HSL-2 Bus Adapter
A #9877 - Base HSL-2 Bus Adapter is shipped with new orders of a #5294 for Models 820, 830, 840.
#9886 Base Optical Bus Adapter (optical HSL-2)
Specify when attaching to optical HSL-2 ports.
#9887 Base HSL-2 Bus Adapter (default)
Specify when attaching to copper HSL ports.
Up to 18 disk units per #2757 are supported in the system unit with System Unit Expansion disk cages of the Model 270.
For further placement rules and cabling information, see “#5294 1.8 m I/O Tower” on page 242.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R2
#7002 #7002 HSL Enabler - Internal Flex cable
The #7002 is a feature HSL internal flex cable, which enables connection to a #5075 PCI Expansion Tower. It can be
ordered only on the #2248, #2250, #2422, and #2431 processors of the Model 270. This cable connects the processor
using a right-angle bus connector to the back of the machine. Two #14xx HSL cables are required to connect the system
unit to the expansion tower.
The marketing configurator removes for Record Purpose Only (RPO) the #7102 from the inventory records on processor
upgrades from #2248, #2250, #2422, or #2431 to other processor features.
The #7002 is an HSL internal flex cable. It enables connection to a #5075 PCI Expansion Tower.
The #7002 is a required feature on a Model 270 processor when attaching an external Integrated xSeries Server.
The #7002 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #7002 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006.
#7104 #7104 System Unit Expansion
The #7104 is a feature system expansion unit that allows up to an additional 12 disk units to be added to the Model 270.
The #7104 comes with support for six disk units standard and requires a #7123 when installing over six disk units. The
#7104 disk units are driven by a disk unit controller located in the card enclosure. The #7104 requires a separate line cord
from the system unit. One #14xx power cord must be specified (geography dependent). When the Model 270 and attached
#7104 are mounted in a #0551 iSeries Rack, #1422 PDU Line Cord might be specified if a PDU is installed in the #0551
iSeries Rack.
Maximum: One
Prerequisite: #7133 DASD Concurrent Maintenance Cage for the #2248, #2250, #2422, or #2431 Processor
The #7104 is a Customer Install Feature.
#7123 #7123 DASD Expansion Unit
The #7123 is a concurrent maintenance DASD six position expansion feature, which can be ordered to support an
additional six disk units (for a total of 12) in the #7104 on the Model 270.
Prerequisite: The #7104 on Model 270
The #7123 is a Customer Install Feature.
#7133 #7133 DASD Concurrent Maintenance Cage
The #7133 is a DASD six disk cage for the Model 270. The #7133 enables disk unit concurrent maintenance and replaces
the standard base non-concurrent maintenance DASD six disk cage.
Prerequisite: Processor #2248, #2250, #2422, or #2431
The #7133 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 December 2005.