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Chapter 6. IBM iSeries 820, 830, and 840
This chapter provides the summary charts and diagrams and identifies the processor features
that are associated with each IBM iSeries 820, 830, and 840 server. You can find the feature
descriptions, including details about power and packaging and main memory, in Chapter 7,
“IBM iSeries 820, 830, and 840 features and placement” on page 223.
Model and processor Announce date General availability date Withdrawn from marketing
820 #0150, #0151, #0152,
#2435, #2436, #2437, #2438,
#2456, #2457, #2458
23 April 2001 25 May 2001 21 November 2003
820 #2395 12 June 2000 28 July 2000 21 November 2003
820 #2396, #2397, #2398,
#2425, #2426, #2427
12 June 2000 28 July 2000 03 December 2002
830 #0153, #2349 14 May 2002 14 June 2002 21 November 2003
830 #2400 12 June 2000 28 July 2000 21 November 2003
830 #2402, #2403 12 June 2000 28 July 2000 03 December 2002
840 #0158, #0159 14 May 2002 22 June 2002 21 November 2003
840 #2352, #2353, #2354 23 April 2001 25 May 2001 21 November 2003
840 #2416, #2417, #2419 03 October 2000 01 December 2000 03 December 2002
840 #2418, #2420 12 June 2000 28 July 2000 03 December 2002
840 #2461 23 April 2001 25 May 2001 03 December 2002
Note: The darker shaded areas in the following tables and figures represents the base
configuration of the system. The capacities shown might require prerequisites. Some
combinations of features are not valid.