24 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
1.6 Supported upgrades for the Model 170
All upgrades to, from, and within the 170 systems are withdrawn from marketing. Refer to the
Upgrade topic in the Find and Compare Tool (FACT) at the following Web site to determine
the supported upgrade paths for a given processor:
See “RPQ 843978” on page 178 for disk unit migration.
#9728 #9728 Base Disk Unit Controller CCIN 2728
The #9728 is the base IOA for the system unit. Provides Ultra SCSI attachment for up to four disk units, one CD-ROM
drive (standard), and one internal tape drive. Does not support RAID. Supports #6381, #6382, #6384, or #6385 tape
units. Mutually exclusive with #2740 and #2741. The #9728 does not support integrated hardware disk compression. The
#9728 is not required for the #2289, #2290, #2291 and #2292 processors for up to four disk drives.
High-speed PCI slots required: One.
Maximum: One
#9740 #9740 Base RAID Disk Unit Controller
The #9740 Base RAID Disk Unit Controller supports up to 10 internal disk units, one internal tape, and one internal
CD-ROM. The #9740 is designed to control Ultra, Fast Wide, and Fast Narrow SCSI disk and tape units that are installed
in the base system unit and the #7102 System Expansion Unit. #2740 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller is not supported
on any Domino Server Processor. #2748 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller is a high performance controller with
compression which can be substituted (without credit) for the #9740 Base RAID Disk Unit Controller. The #9740 is
included with, and only available on all #2407, #2408, and #2409 Domino Server processors.
The #9740 supports Concurrent DASD add/maintenance.
Maximum: One
Minimum operating system to support #2748: OS/400 V4R4.