
Chapter 9. External storage, SANs, QIC, and VXA-2 formats for IBM iSeries and AS/400e servers 349
3570 Cartridge Tape Subsystems
Machine Description 9406 models
3570 -
3570 0.31-inch Cartridge Tape Subsystem
The 3570 is a cartridge tape unit with table-top and library units based on 3590 technology.
Up to 5 GB capacity per cassette (up to 15 GB when compressed) or 7 GB capacity per cassette
(up to 21 GB when compressed). Attach to the AS/400 system using the #6501 Tape/Disk Device
Controller, #6534 Magnetic Media Controller (SPD), #2729 PCI Magnetic Media Controller, or
#2749 PCI Ultra Magnetic Media Controller. One drive can attach to one iSeries or AS/400e
system only. With models B02/C02 and B12/C12, each one of the two drives can be connected to
a different system. The 3570 is supported as an alternate IPL device. CISC models require RPQ
843945. It is not supported on 9404 Models D10 and D20. Specify a non-3570 tape drive as a valid
alternate IPL device.
Bxx models
Data transfer rate of 2.2 Mbps (uncompressed) up to 6.6 Mbps (average compressed) data
transfer rate.
Cxx models
Data transfer rate of 7 Mbps (uncompressed) up to 15 Mbps (average compressed) data transfer
rate using C-format cartridges.
Data transfer rate of 3.5 Mbps (uncompressed) up to 10.5 Mbps (average compressed) data
transfer rate using B-format cartridges.
B00/C00 Table Top Unit (1 x 15 GB)
B01/B02/C01/C2 Stand-Alone Library with 20 cassette slots
(20 x 15 GB) and one drive.
B11/B12/C11/C12 Rack Mounted Library with 20 cassette slots
(20 x 15 GB) and one drive.
Requires the 9309 Rack.
Cable features:
0.5 m (2-ft) SCSI cable
12.0 m (39-ft) SCSI cable
18.0 m (59-ft) SCSI cable
25.0 m (82-ft) SCSI cable (Models C00,C01, C02, C11, C12)
4.5 m (15-ft) SCSI cable
AS/400 Interposer
Other features:
10-Pack Data Cartridges and one cleaning cassette
20-Pack Data Cartridges and one cleaning cassette
20-Pack Data Cartridges and one cleaning cassette. All Cxx models
10-Pack C-format Data Cartridges and one cleaning cassette
One Cleaning Cassette
One Data Cassette
10-pack Data Cassette. All Bxx models
Two 10-cassette Magazine
10-Pack Data Cassettes and one cleaning cassette. All Cxx models.
White Covers (B01, B02)
Black Covers (B01, B02)
Attached to SP2
Watertight Power Plug
Open System Device Driver; not Bxx models
Attached to HP-UNIX; not Bxx models
Attached to SUN; not Bxx models
Attached to Windows NT; not Bxx models
Attached to AS/400; not Bxx models
One data cassette; one cleaning cassette
D, E, F, (except
D02, E02, F02),
2x0, 3x0, 4x0, 50S,
53S, 500, 510, 520,
530, 6x0, Sx0, 720,
730, 740, 170,
250, 270, SB2,
SB3, 820, 830, 840