Chapter 2. IBM iSeries SB2 and SB3 models 55
#5702 #5702 PCI-X Ultra Tape Controller
The #5702 PCI-X Ultra Tape Controller provides a SCSI Ultra PCI attachment capability for external tape devices, and
removable media devices.
The #5702 has two ports that can attach two external tape devices. Each port can support at a minimum one of the
following devices:
3580-L23 IBM TotalStorage® Ultrium 2 Tape Drive
3582-L23 IBM Ultrium Tape Library
3583-LXX IBM Ultrium Scalable Tape Library
3584-L23 or D32 Ultra scalable Tape Library
7206-VX2 80 GB VXA-2 External Tape Drive
7207-122 QIC-SLR Tape Bridge Box (4 GB External ¼-inch Cartridge Tape Drive)
7208-345 60 GB External 8mm Tape Drive
7210-020 External CD-ROM
7210-025 External DVD-RAM
7329-308 SLR100 ¼-inch Tape Autoloader
See 9.5.4, “#5712, #5715, #5702, #5705, #2718, and #2768 PCI Magnetic Media Controller: Device cabling rules” on
page 370, for information about connecting devices to the #5702 including daisy-chaining options.
A #5702 running in an i5OS or OS/400 partition cannot drive internal disk units in any expansion tower, base I/O tower or
system unit enclosure.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R2
The #5702 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #5702 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 June 2006. The #5712 PCI-X Tape Controller is the recommended
#5704 #5704 PCI-X Fibre Channel Tape Controller
The #5704 PCI-X Fibre Channel Tape Controller provides Fibre Channel attachment capability for external tape devices.
The #5704 supports point-to-point and arbitrated loop topologies and has an LC-type cable connector. Each #5704 is
shipped with a wrap connector (part number 05N6767). The #5704 supports 64-bit, 133 MHz PCI-X bus speeds.
All Fibre Channel cables required for the #5704 PCI-X Fibre Channel Tape Controller are supplied by the client.
The #5704 does not support the Alternate IPL device function. A D-mode IPL is required using CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, or
another alternate IPL tape device. Then select a #5704 to complete the installation or recovery process.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R2
The #5704 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #5704 is the PCI-X card replacement for the #2765 PCI Fibre Channel Tape Controller.
#9748 #9748 Base PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller
The #4748/#9748 is an Ultra2 SCSI controller with a 26 MB write-cache that provides RAID-5 protection and compression
for internal disk units and supports internal tape units and CD-ROM units. The #4748/#9748 supports both compression
and non-compression modes. The mode of operation is determined by a hardware jumper. The #4748/#9748 is shipped
in non-compression mode. By moving the hardware jumper, the controller functions in compression mode. In addition to
providing RAID-5 protection for disks, the #4748/#9748 is also designed to work as a high performance controller for disks
protected by system mirroring or disks with no protection. The #4748 also supports the #4331 1.6 GB Read Cache Device
which provides increased performance. The #4331 1.6 GB Read Cache Device is supported only when the #4748/#9748
not in compression mode.
The #9748 does not support data compression on 35 GB disk units.
The #4748 PCI RAID Disk Unit Controller supports a maximum of eight disk units on the SB3 and four on the SB2.
The #9748 is the base disk controller for SB2 and SB3.
A minimum of four disk units of the same capacity are needed for a valid RAID-5 configuration. All disk units in an array
must be of the same capacity. Parity is spread across four disk units for arrays of four to seven disk units. Parity can be
spread across either four or eight disk units. For systems started with eight to 10 disk units in an array the parity, for that
array, is spread across eight disk units. For systems that are started with less than eight disk units in an array and later
upgraded to eight, the RAID function must be stopped and then started before the parity is spread across eight disk units.
The #4748/#9748 controls up to two removable media devices (internal tape or CD-ROM).
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V4R5
The #9748 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #4748/#9748 was withdrawn from marketing 02 July 2002 for new orders. Feature conversions to #4748/#9748 are
still available.