34 iSeries and AS/400e System Builder
#2790 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server or #2791/#2799 PCI Integrated xSeries Server
The #2790, #2791, and #2799 do not require a #2843 or #9943. However, placement is limited to specific slots within the
specific system tower and expansion tower.
The #2790, #2791, and #2799 support only the Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows Server® 2003 operating
systems. The Windows 2003 Server operating system is supported at OS/400 V5R2 with PTFs. These rules apply:
#0325 IPCS Extension Cable for Windows is the default but can be removed.
#1700 IPCS Keyboard or Mouse for Windows is the default in those countries or regions offering it.
A display must be connected to the #2790 PCI Integrated xSeries Server to support Windows.
For a non-U.S. keyboard, mouse and display, see:
Native OS/400 functions are not supported.
The #2790, #2791, and #2799 do not support an external host LAN.
Minimum operating system to support #2743 or #2760 on the #2790, #2791, or #2799: OS/400 V5R1
Minimum operating system level:
#2790/#2791 - OS/400 V4R5 with Cumulative Package C1005450
#2799 - OS/400 V5R1 with PTFs identified in Information APAR II13105 at:
The #2790, #2791, or #2799 are Customer Install Features or an IBM Service Representative install features depending
upon card placement.
The #2799 was withdrawn from marketing on 21 November 2003.
#2792 #2792 PCI Integrated xSeries Server
The #2792 PCI Integrated xSeries Server contains a 1.6 GHz processor and four memory slots. The #2792 is supported
in the system tower of the Models SB2 and SB3. Each server memory slot of the #2792 can contain either a 512 MB server
memory card or a 1024 MB server memory card, providing allowable main storage options of 1024 MB, 2048 MB,
3072 MB, and 4096 MB. A minimum of two server memory cards are required and must be installed in identical pairs.
The following server memory cards provide memory for the #2792 PCI Integrated xSeries Server:
#0426 - 512 MB Server Memory
#0427 - 1024 MB Server Memory
The #2792 PCI Integrated xSeries Server includes one embedded 100/10 Mbps Ethernet LAN controller. The #2792 can
be ordered without any further LAN cards but supports up to three LAN IOAs in any combination, depending on which slot
the #2792 card is placed. The features for the LAN IOAs are:
#2744 PCI 100 Mbps Token Ring IOA
#5700 PCI 1 Gbps Ethernet IOA
#5701 PCI 1 Gbps Ethernet UTP IOA
An #0223 100 Mbps Token-Ring Specify is required for each #2744 on the Integrated xSeries Server. If the #5700 or #5701
is ordered, then #0226 1 Gbps Ethernet Specify is required for each #5700 or #5701 selected to run on the #2792.
The #2792 does not require a #2843, #2844, or #9943 IOP. Placement is limited to specific slots within the system tower.
The #2792 requires two PCI slots and does not extend into a third slot.
The #2792 ships with a standard keyboard/mouse splitter cable, and can support either a standard or USB 1.1 keyboard
or mouse. Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2003 Server operating systems are supported.
The following rules apply:
#0325 (IPCS Extension Cable for Windows) is the default (but can be removed).
#1700 (IPCS Keyboard/Mouse for Windows) is the default (in those countries or regions offering it).
A display must be connected to the #2790 PCI Integrated Netfinity Server to support Windows.
For a non-U.S. keyboard, mouse and display, see:
Native OS/400 functions are not supported.
The #2792 does not support external host LAN.
The #2849 is not supported on a #2792.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R2
The #2792 is a Customer Install Feature.
The #2792 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 January 2004.