
Chapter 2. IBM iSeries SB2 and SB3 models 31
#5077 #5077 Migration Tower II
The #5077 is an I/O tower that supports two SPD I/O cards. The #5077 can be ordered to support clustering on the Models
SB2 and SB3. In this case, the #5077 is shipped as a new tower and is supplied with a base optical link card (CCIN 2696)
and base CD-ROM. One or two #2695 Optical Bus Adapters can be ordered for the #5077. Up to two SPD cards can be
ordered. The #5077 supports up to thee internal tape or CD devices.
Select one of the following HSL cables if the #5077 has just the base optical link card installed. Select two (any
combination) of the following HSL cables if the #5077 has one or two #2695 Optical Bus Adapters installed:
#1460 - 3m Copper HSL Cable
#1461 - 6m Copper HSL Cable
#1462 - 15m Copper HSL Cable
Select one of the following SPCN cables per tower:
#1463 - 2m SPCN Cable
#1464 - 6m SPCN Cable
#1465 - 15m SPCN Cable
#1466 - 30m SPCN Cable
One JTAG-C cable (6 m) is included with the #5077. One #14xx power cord must be specified (geography dependent).
Disks cannot be installed in the #5077 when attached to a Model SB2 or SB3.
Maximum: One
The #5077 was withdrawn from marketing on 01 January 2004.
#5103 #5103 Dual Line Cords - 830 CEC
The #5103 Dual Line Cords - 830 CEC provides dual line cord capability for the Model SB2 system unit and attached #9074
Base I/O Tower. Two 14xx line cords must be ordered for the SB2 when a #5103 is ordered on an initial order. When
ordering a #5103 as an MES, one additional #14xx line cord is required to be ordered (for a total of two line cords for the
system unit).
If the #9074 has feature #5101 installed, the #5101 must be converted to a #5111 (no parts shipped).
Supported on Model SB2
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1
#5104 #5104 Dual Line Cords - 840 CEC
The #5104 provides dual line cord capability for the #9079 Base I/O Tower. Two #14xx line cords must be ordered for the
#9079 Base I/O Tower when the #5104 is ordered on an initial order. When installing a #5104 as an MES, one additional
#14xx line cord is required to be ordered for the #9079 Base I/O Tower.
Minimum operating system level: OS/400 V5R1
The #5104 has country- or region-specific usage.
Supported on Model SB3
If any feature #5101s are installed, the #5101s must be converted to a #5111s (no parts shipped).
#5150 #5150 Battery Backup (external)
The #5150 is an external battery backup that, when used in conjunction with the internal battery backup, is capable of
extending the battery backup time.
Model SB3 only