
Basic Controls
P. 27
When you are in the main play screen, you can select a Style by just using the Dial. Press the L1
button or F2–F3 (STYLE) and “Style” will become highlighted. Use the Dial or press the F2–F3
button to select another Style.
Use the L or R buttons to select your desired Style.
F1, F2 Select the different pages within a Style category.
L 1
L 2
L 3
L 4
L 5
F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F 5 F 6 F 7
R 1
R 2
R 3
R 4
R 5
When this button is pressed before starting a Style or before pressing the
INTRO/ENDING button, the Style will not start until you play a note or chord
on the keyboard. When this button is pressed while the Style is running the
Style will gradually fade out. When this button is pressed during a fade out
the Style will gradually fade back in and you may resume playing the Style.
You can press the SYNC/FADE OUT button at any time while any of the
patterns (Intro, Variation, Ending) in the Style are running to fade in or out
of the Style.
Starts or stops the Style immediately.
When one of these buttons is pressed to start a Style the selected Intro
pattern will be played before the selected Variation pattern plays. There are
both major and minor versions for each Intro. The Auto-accompaniment
System will decide which Intro to use based upon the first Chord you play
(major or minor). The LCD screen will display a countdown in bars to show
how many bars you have until the variation begins playing. When one
of these buttons is pressed while the Style is running the selected Ending
pattern will be played before the Style stops. There are major and minor
versions for each Ending.