Kawai CP117 Electronic Keyboard User Manual

Recording a Song
P. 51
Track Settings
The Track Settings screen shows you the Play, Record, and Mute status for each track. In addition
it shows you what sound is assigned for the sixteen instrument tracks. You can change the track
status or select a different sound for each track.
The Track Status screen will show the following Status messages.
Rec This track is ready to be recorded.
Play This track has been recorded and will be heard both on playback and while recording.
MIDI Rec MIDI Rec enables the CP to record incoming MIDI data from an external MIDI
instrument connected to the MIDI jacks. You can set more than one track to MIDI
Rec, enabling the CP to record on several tracks simultaneously over MIDI.
Mute This track has been recorded but will be silent both on playback and while recording.
Empty This track has not been recorded.
After you have recorded a song you can change the status for a track by pressing the STATUS
button (F3) below the LCD screen. Pressing the STATUS button during playback will select Play or
Mute. Pressing the STATUS button after entering Real-time record but before recording begins, will
select Play, MIDI Rec, or Mute. Rec can only be selected from the Real-time Record screen. The
Track settings screen cannot be accessed during recording.
To use the Track Settings screen:
1) Press the TRACK SETTINGS button (L4) on the Advanced Recorder menu.
2) Press the L3 and L4 buttons to select the track that you wish to edit. If you wish to select tracks 10-
16, the Style, or Tempo tracks, press the L5 button to jump to these tracks. Press the L2 button to
return to tracks 1-9.
3) Press the STATUS button (F3) to change the status to PLAY, MUTE or MIDI REC.
4) If you wish to change the sound assigned to the track, press the SOUND buttons (F5, F6). You can
also select sounds by pressing any of the SOUND buttons.
5) When you are finished, press the MENU button (F1) to return to the Advanced Recorder menu or
press the MIXER button (F2) to go to the Mixer menu.