Kawai Concert Performer Series Digital Piano
P. 36
Song Stylist
With over 600 Sounds and 182 Styles, it can sometimes be difficult to decide the best settings with
which to play a song. Even if you are very familiar with the Concert Performer, you may want a
quick way to change the CP’s setup to play another song. The Song Stylist feature was created to
handle this situation for you. You simply pick the name of the song you want to play and the
Concert Performer sets up everything for you.
The Song Stylist contains a list of 514 popular song titles. In the Song Stylist, there is an appropriate
setup for each of those songs. You may search for your favorite title either alphabetically by song
name, or by category of musical genre. Once you’ve found the song you want to play, simply press
one button and the CP is immediately setup for that song and ready for you to begin.
• The Song Stylist contains no prerecorded music, only the setup to play the chosen song. You
must play the actual music yourself.
To use the Song Stylist:
1) Press the SONG STYLIST button. The Name Menu list appears, showing alphabet to search for the
SONG STYLIST. Use the L and R buttons to search for the title in alphabetical order.
2) Press the SEARCH BY CATEGORY button. The Category list appears, showing the different musical
genres for the SONG STYLIST.
3) Use the SEARCH BY CATEGORY buttons (F1, F2) to display the Category choices on the other page.
When you have found the category you want, use the L and R buttons to select it. A list of songs
within that musical category appears.