Yamaha CP5 Electronic Keyboard User Manual

Internal Design of the CP5 & CP50
Left & Right Parts
[PWR-AMP] (CP5 only)
[RIGHT2] (CP5)
Song Setting Area
[MIC INPUT] (CP5 only)
Settings for All Parts
Settings for All Performances
41 CP5/CP50 Reference Manual
Mic Insert Effect Screen
From the Mic Insert Effect screen, you can select and configure an insertion effect to process audio
signals input via the MIC INPUT jack. Depending on the effect selected, this screen can contain up
to six pages.
3 CompTh
This parameter is used to set the input level at which the compressor starts com-
pressing the sound.
Setting values: -48dB to -6dB
4 CompRat
(Compression Ratio)
This parameter is used to set the compression ratio.
Setting values: 1.0 to 20.0
(Compressor Output
This parameter is used to adjust the compressor’s output level.
Setting values: 0 to 127
5 L.Freq
(Low Frequency)
This parameter is used to set a low-band frequency for boosting or cutting of the
Setting values: 32Hz to 2.0kHz
L.Gain (Low Gain) This parameter is used to set the degree to which low-band frequencies will be
boosted or cut.
Setting values: -12dB to +12dB
6 M.Freq
(Mid Frequency)
This parameter is used to set a mid-band frequency around which the sound will
be boosted or cut.
Setting values: 100Hz to 10.0kHz
M.Gain (Mid Gain) This parameter is used to set the degree to which mid-band frequencies will be
boosted or cut.
Setting values: -12dB to +12dB
M.Width (Mid Width) This parameter is used to set the width of the mid-frequency EQ band.
Setting values: 0.1 to 12.0
7 H.Freq
(High Frequency)
This parameter is used to set a high-band frequency for boosting or cutting of the
Setting values: 500Hz to 16.0kHz
H.Gain (High Gain) This parameter is used to set the degree to which high-band frequencies will be
boosted or cut.
Setting values: -12dB to +12dB
Edit Sequence
Press and hold the [MIC INPUT] button (for at least one second) Navigate to Page 2
using the [PAGE
] button or [2] button Press Knob 2 Navigate to the required
page using the [
PAGE] and [PAGE ] buttons Turn Knobs 1 to 3
On-screen name
(and full name)
1 MicInsType
(Mic Insert Effect
Ty pe )
This parameter is used to select a category and effect type for the MIC INPUT
part’s audio signals. These categories and effects are identical to those from the
Modulation Effect block’s Other group, and more details can be obtained from the
table on page 16.
2 to 6 Effect parameters The parameters presented on Page 2 onward will depend on the MicInsType set-
tings. For more details, see Parameters for non-piano voice effects (page 19).
On-screen name
(and full name)