
Page TOC-6
The PROOT function ,5-21
The PTAYL function ,5-21
The QUOT and REMAINDER functions ,5-21
The EPSX0 function and the CAS variable EPS ,5-22
The PEVAL function ,5-22
The TCHEBYCHEFF function ,5-22
Fractions ,5-23
The SIMP2 function ,5-23
The PROPFRAC function ,5-23
The PARTFRAC function ,5-23
The FCOEF function ,5-24
The FROOTS function ,5-24
Step-by-step operations with polynomials and fractions ,5-25
The CONVERT Menu and algebraic operations ,5-26
UNITS convert menu (Option 1) ,5-26
BASE convert menu (Option 2) ,5-27
TRIGONOMETRIC convert menu (Option 3) ,5-27
MATRICES convert menu (Option 5) ,5-27
REWRITE convert menu (Option 4) ,5-27
Chapter 6 - Solution to single equations ,6-1
Symbolic solution of algebraic equations ,6-1
Function ISOL ,6-1
Function SOLVE ,6-2
Function SOLVEVX ,6-3
Function ZEROS ,6-4
Numerical solver menu ,6-5
Polynomial Equations ,6-6
Financial calculations ,6-9
Solving equations with one unknown through NUM.SLV ,6-13
The SOLVE soft menu ,6-26
The ROOT sub-menu ,6-26
Function ROOT ,6-26