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MAD and RSD are related to the solution of systems of linear equations and will
be presented in a subsequent section in this Chapter. In this section we’ll
discuss only functions AXL and AXM.
Function AXL
Function AXL converts an array (matrix) into a list, and vice versa:
Note: the latter operation is similar to that of the program CRMR presented in
Chapter 10.
Function AXM
Function AXM converts an array containing integer or fraction elements into its
corresponding decimal, or approximate, form:
Function LCXM
Function LCXM can be used to generate matrices such that the element aij is a
function of i and j. The input to this function consists of two integers, n and m,
representing the number of rows and columns of the matrix to be generated,
and a program that takes i and j as input. The numbers n, m, and the program
occupy stack levels 3, 2, and 1, respectively. Function LCXM is accessible
through the command catalog ‚N.
For example, to generate a 2´3 matrix whose elements are given by a
= (i+j)
first, store the following program into variable P1 in RPN mode. This is the way
that the RPN stack looks before pressing K.