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Θ Enter lower and upper limits for horizontal view (H-View), and press @AUTO,
while the cursor is in one of the V-View fields, to generate the vertical view
(V-View) range automatically. Or,
Θ Enter lower and upper limits for vertical view (V-View), and press @AUTO,
while the cursor is in one of the H-View fields, to generate the horizontal
view (H-View) range automatically.
Θ The calculator will use the horizontal view (H-View) range to generate data
values for the graph, unless you change the options
Indep Low, (Indep) High,
and (Indep)
Step. These values determine, respectively, the minimum,
maximum, and increment values of the independent variable to be used in
the plot. If the option Default is listed in the fields
Indep Low, (Indep) High,
and (Indep)
Step, the calculator will use the minimum and maximum values
determined by
Θ A check on
_Pixels means that the values of the independent variable
increments (
Step:) are given in pixels rather than in plot coordinates.
Soft menu key options
Θ Use @EDIT to edit any entry in the window.
Θ Use @AUTO as explained in Settings
, above.
Θ Use @ERASE to erase any graph currently existing in the graphics display
Θ Use @DRAW to produce the graph according to the current contents of PPAR
for the equations listed in the PLOT-FUNCTION window.
Θ Press L to activate the second menu list.
Θ Use @RESET to reset the field selected (i.e., where the cursor is positioned) to
its default value.
Θ Use @CALC to access calculator stack to perform calculations that may be
necessary to obtain a value for one of the options in this window. When
the calculator stack is made available to you, you will also have the soft
menu key options @CANCL and @@@OK@@@ .
Θ Use @CANCL in case you want to cancel the current calculation and return to
the PLOT WINDOW screen. Or,
Θ Use @@@OK@@@ to accept the results of your calculation and return to the PLOT
WINDOW screen.
Θ Use @TYPES to get information on the type of objects that can be used in the
selected option field.
Θ Use @CANCL to cancel any changes to the PLOT WINDOW screen and return
to normal calculator display.
Θ Press @@@OK@@@ to accept changes to the PLOT WINDOW screen and return to
normal calculator display.