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Converting to base units
To convert any of these units to the default units in the SI system, use the function
UBASE. For example, to find out what is the value of 1 poise (unit of viscosity)
in the SI units, use the following:
In ALG mode, system flag 117 set to CHOOSE boxes:
‚Û Select the UNITS menu
@@OK@@ Select the TOOLS menu
˜ @@OK@@ Select the UBASE function
1 ‚Ý Enter 1 and underline
‚Û Select the UNITS menu
— @@OK@@ Select the VISCOSITY option
@@OK@@ Select the UNITS menu
` Convert the units
This results in the following screen (i.e., 1 poise = 0.1 kg/(m
In RPN mode, system flag 117 set to CHOOSE boxes:
1 Enter 1 (no underline)
‚Û Select the UNITS menu
— @@OK@@ Select the VISCOSITY option
@@OK@@ Select the unit P (poise)
‚Û Select the UNITS menu
@@OK@@ Select the TOOLS menu
˜ @@OK@@ Select the UBASE function
In ALG mode, system flag 117 set to SOFT menus:
‚Û Select the UNITS menu
)@TOOLS Select the TOOLS menu
@UBASE Select the UBASE function
1 ‚Ý Enter 1 and underline
‚Û Select the UNITS menu
„« @)VISC Select the VISCOSITY option
@@@P@@ Select the unit P (poise)